switch/case for Strings

Tobias Hoffmann

C++ User Treffen Aachen, 2018-09-13

C/C++: switch for non-integers - Stack Overflow

switch statement - cppreference.com



Can we do better?

We want to:

  • compare only the remainder
  • get rid of the sorting requirement
  • keep "O(log n)" lookup complexity
  • still have clean code


  1. Raben
  2. Rabe
  3. Rasten
  4. Rasen


  1. Raben
  2. Rabe
  3. Rasten
  4. Rasen

cttrie usage example i

#include "cttrie.h"
  const char *str = ...; // oder std::string, ...

  TRIE(str) printf("E\n");
  CASE("Raben") printf("0\n");
  CASE("Rabe") printf("1\n");
  CASE("Rasten") printf("2\n");
  CASE("Rasen") printf("3\n");

cttrie usage example ii

         TRIE(str) return -1;
         CASE("abc") return 0;
         CASE("bcd") return 1;


  • Lifting the Hood
  • C++ template techniques, index sequences
  • Trie as C++ types
  • Trie lookup
  • String literals and TMP
  • Building the trie
  • Additional features

  • Two applications
  • Extensions to cttrie, other approaches

Lifting the Hood i

#define TRIE(str)  CtTrie::doTrie((str), [&]{

#define CASE(str)  }, CSTR(str), [&]{

#define ENDTRIE    })

template <typename ArgE, typename... Args>
constexpr auto doTrie(stringview str,
                      ArgE&& argE, Args&&... args)
  -> decltype(argE())
{ ... }

// CSTR("abc")  ->  string_t<...>

Lifting the Hood ii

struct stringview {
  template <unsigned int N>
  constexpr stringview(const char (&ar)[N]) // implicit
    // strips trailing \0
    : begin(ar), size((ar[N-1]==0) ? N-1 : N) {}

  template <typename String,
            typename Sfinae=decltype(
  constexpr stringview(String&& str)
    : begin(str.c_str()), size(str.size()) {}

  stringview(const char *begin)
    : begin(begin), size(std::strlen(begin)) {}

  constexpr stringview(const char *begin, unsigned int size)
    : begin(begin), size(size) {}

  constexpr bool empty() const {
    return (size==0);

  constexpr char operator*() const {
    // assert(!empty());  // or: throw ?
    return *begin;

  constexpr stringview substr(unsigned int start) const {
    return { begin+start,
             (start<size) ? size-start : 0 };

  constexpr stringview substr(unsigned int start,
                              unsigned int len) const {
    return { begin+start,
             (start<size) ?
               (len<size-start) ? len : size-start
             : 0 };

  const char *begin;
  unsigned int size;

C++ template techniques

// provides  pack_tools::get_index<I>(Ts&&... ts)
// (≙ std::get<I>(std::make_tuple(ts...)) )

namespace pack_tools {
namespace detail {
  template <unsigned int> struct int_c {};

  template <unsigned int I>
  constexpr void *get_index_impl(int_c<I>) // invalid index
    return {};

  template <typename T0, typename... Ts>
  constexpr T0&& get_index_impl(int_c<0>,
                                T0&& t0, Ts&&... ts)
    return (T0&&)t0;

  template <unsigned int I, typename T0, typename... Ts>
  constexpr auto get_index_impl(int_c<I>,
                                T0&& t0, Ts&&... ts)
    -> decltype(get_index_impl(int_c<I-1>(), (Ts&&)ts...))
    return get_index_impl(int_c<I-1>(), (Ts&&)ts...);
} // namespace detail

template <unsigned int I, typename... Ts>
constexpr auto get_index(Ts&&... ts)
  -> decltype(detail::get_index_impl(detail::int_c<I>(),
  static_assert((I<sizeof...(Ts)), "Invalid Index");
  return detail::get_index_impl(detail::int_c<I>(),

} // namespace pack_tools

Index sequences i

// using seq3_t = std::make_index_sequence<3>; // not c++11
using seq3_t = decltype(detail::make_index_sequence<3>());

// => seq3_t = detail::index_sequence<0, 1, 2, 3>;

template <unsigned int... Is>
void foo(detail::index_sequence<Is...>) { ... }


// c++14: index_sequence = integer_sequence<size_t, Is...>;

Index sequences ii

struct nil {};

template <bool B>
using Sfinae = typename std::enable_if<B>::type;

template <unsigned int... Is>
struct index_sequence {};

template <unsigned int N, unsigned int... Is,
          typename =Sfinae<N==0>>
constexpr index_sequence<Is...> make_index_sequence(...)
{ return {}; }

template <unsigned int N, unsigned int... Is,
          typename =Sfinae<(N>0)>>
constexpr auto make_index_sequence(...)
  // argument forces ADL
  -> decltype(make_index_sequence<N-1, N-1, Is...>(nil()))
{ return {}; }

Index sequences iii

namespace detail {
  template <unsigned int... Is,
            typename ArgE, typename... Args>
  constexpr auto doTrie(index_sequence<Is...>,
                        stringview str,
                        ArgE&& argE, Args&&... args)
    -> decltype(argE())
    return checkTrie(
      str, (ArgE&&)argE,
} // namespace detail

template <typename ArgE, typename... Args>
constexpr auto doTrie(stringview str,
                      ArgE&& argE, Args&&... args)
  -> decltype(argE())
  return detail::doTrie(
    str, (ArgE&&)argE, (Args&&)args...);

Trie as C++ types

namespace CtTrie {
using pack_tools::detail::int_c;

template <int Char, typename Next>
struct Transition {};

// multiple inheritance used for cttrie_sw256 ...
template <typename... Transitions>
struct TrieNode : Transitions... {};

// ...

Trie lookup i

check(node, str):
  if (str.empty):
    if (node.Transition[0].Char==-1):
      return node.Transition[0].Next // i.e. index
    return error

  switch (str[0]):
    case node.Transition[0].Char:
      return check(node.Transition[0].Next, str[1:])
    case node.Transition[1].Char:
      return check(node.Transition[1].Next, str[1:])
  return error // (default)

Trie lookup ii

// possible via Transition<-1, int_c<...>>
template <typename FnE, typename... Fns>
constexpr auto checkTrie(TrieNode<> trie, stringview str,
                         FnE&& fne, Fns&&... fns)
  -> decltype(fne())
  return fne();

template <int Char, typename Next,
          typename FnE, typename... Fns,
          typename =Sfinae<(Char>=0)>>
constexpr auto checkTrie(
  TrieNode<Transition<Char,Next>> trie,
  stringview str, FnE&& fne, Fns&&... fns)
  -> decltype(fne())
  return (!str.empty() && (*str==Char))
    ? checkTrie(Next(), str.substr(1),
                (FnE&&)fne, (Fns&&)fns...)
    : fne();

template <typename... Transitions,
          typename FnE, typename... Fns>
constexpr auto checkTrie(
  TrieNode<Transitions...> trie,
  stringview str, FnE&& fne, Fns&&... fns)
  -> decltype(fne())
  return (!str.empty())
    ? Switch(*str, str.substr(1),
             trie, (FnE&&)fne, (Fns&&)fns...)
    : fne();

template <unsigned int Index, typename... Transitions,
          typename FnE, typename... Fns>
constexpr auto checkTrie(
  TrieNode<Transition<-1,int_c<Index>>, Transitions...>,
  stringview str, FnE&& fne, Fns&&... fns)
  -> decltype(fne())
  return (str.empty())
    ? pack_tools::get_index<Index>((Fns&&)fns...)()
    : checkTrie(TrieNode<Transitions...>(), str,
                (FnE&&)fne, (Fns&&)fns...);

Trie lookup: Switch i

template <...>
auto Switch(unsigned char ch, stringview str,
            TrieNode<Transitions...>, FnE&&, Fns&&...)
  -> decltype(fne())
  switch (ch) {
    case (Transitions::Char):
      return checkTrie(Transitions::Next(), str,
                       (FnE&&)fne, (Fns&&)fns...);
  return fne();

Trie lookup: Switch ii

template <int Char0, typename Next0,
          int Char1, typename Next1,
          typename FnE,typename... Fns>
auto Switch(unsigned char ch, stringview str,
            FnE&& fne, Fns&&... fns)
  -> decltype(fne())
  switch (ch) {
  case Char0: return checkTrie(Next0(), str, (FnE&&)fne, (Fns&&)fns...);
  case Char1: return checkTrie(Next1(), str, (FnE&&)fne, (Fns&&)fns...);
  return fne();

Trie lookup: Switch iii

// TNext obtained by partial specialization!
next_or_nil<I>(node) =
   has_base(node, Transition<I, TNext>) ? TNext : nil

type table[256] = { next_or_nil<Is>(node)... };
// actually: type_array<A00,A01,...> parameter

switch (str[0]):
  case 0: static_if (is_nil(table[0])): return error;
    return check(table[0], str[1:])
  case 1: static_if (is_nil(table[1])): return error;
    return check(table[1], str[1:])
  case 255:
    return check(table[255], str[1:])

String literals and TMP

Problem: foo<"abc"> as template parameter?!

Idea: "abc"[1] == 'b' is possible

template <unsigned char... Chars>
struct string_t {
  static constexpr unsigned int size() {
    return sizeof...(Chars);
  static const char *data() {
    static constexpr const char data[]={Chars...};
    return data;

namespace detail {
template <typename Str, unsigned int N, unsigned char... Chars>
struct make_string_t
  : make_string_t<Str, N-1, Str().chars[N-1], Chars...> {};

template <typename Str, unsigned char... Chars>
struct make_string_t<Str, 0, Chars...> {
   typedef string_t<Chars...> type;
} // namespace detail

#define CSTR(str) []{ \
    struct Str { const char *chars = str; }; \
    return ::detail::make_string_t<Str,sizeof(str)>::type(); \

Building the trie i

makeTrie(String0, String1, ..., StringN):
  for each I=0...N:
    trie = trieAdd<I, StringI>(trie)
template <unsigned int I>
constexpr TrieNode<> makeTrie(nil) // nil forces adl
{ return {}; }

template <unsigned int I,
          typename String0, typename... Strings>
constexpr auto makeTrie(nil, String0, Strings...)
  -> decltype(
    trieAdd<I, String0>(
      makeTrie<I+1>(nil(), Strings()...)
{ return {}; }

Building the trie ii

trieAdd<Index, String>(TrieNode<Transitions...>):
  insertSorted<Index>(String, TrieNode< | Transitions...>)
  • Either there is no transition yet for the next char:
    Insert new Transition into TrieNode at appropriate position.
  • Or, when there is one:
    Take transition, repeat.
  • Start of iteration is (TrieNode<>(), Transitions...).

Building the trie iii

trieAdd<Index, String>(TrieNode<Transitions...>):
  insertSorted<Index>(String, TrieNode< | Transitions...>)
template <unsigned int Index, typename String,
             typename... Transitions>
constexpr auto trieAdd(TrieNode<Transitions...>)
  -> decltype(
      nil(), String(), // nil forces adl
      TrieNode<>(), Transitions()...))
{ return {}; }

Building the trie iv: Chains

transitionAdd<Index>(string_t<...>) →
  (string_t<Ch0, Chars...>)
    = Transition<Ch0,

    = Transition<-1, int_c<Index>>

  (string_t<'\0'>)  // alternative ...
    = Transition<-1, int_c<Index>>

Building the trie v: Chains

template <unsigned int Index>
constexpr Transition<-1, int_c<Index>>
transitionAdd(nil, string_t<0>)  //  or: string_t<>
{ return {}; }

template <unsigned int Index,
          unsigned char Ch0, unsigned char... Chars>
constexpr Transition<Ch0, TrieNode<decltype(
  transitionAdd<Index>(nil(), string_t<Chars...>())
transitionAdd(nil, string_t<Ch0, Chars...>)
{ return {}; }

Building the trie vi

  string_t<Ch0, Chars...> s,
  TrieNode<Prefix... | Transition<Ch,Next>, Transitions...>

  if (Ch>Ch0):
    TrieNode<Prefix..., transitionAdd<Index>(s),
             Transition<Ch,Next>, Transitions...>

  else if (Ch==Ch0):
        trieAdd<Index, string_t<Chars...>>(Next())>,

  else // (Ch<Ch0)
               Transition<Ch, Next> | Transition...>)

Building the trie vii

template <unsigned int Index,
          unsigned char... Chars,
          typename... Prefix, typename... Transitions,
          typename =Sfinae<(sizeof...(Chars)==0 ||
constexpr auto insertSorted(nil,
  string_t<Chars...> s,
  TrieNode<Prefix...>, Transitions...)
  -> TrieNode<Prefix...,
    decltype(transitionAdd<Index>(nil(), s)),
{ return {}; }

template <unsigned int Index,
          unsigned char Ch0, unsigned char... Chars,
          typename... Prefix,
          int Ch, typename Next,
          typename... Transitions,
          typename =Sfinae<(Ch>Ch0)>>
constexpr auto insertSorted(nil,
  string_t<Ch0, Chars...> s,
  -> TrieNode<Prefix...,
    decltype(transitionAdd<Index>(nil(), s)),
{ return {}; }

template <unsigned int Index,
          unsigned char Ch0, unsigned char... Chars,
          typename... Prefix,
          int Ch, typename Next,
          typename... Transitions,
          typename =Sfinae<(Ch==Ch0)>>
constexpr auto insertSorted(nil,
  string_t<Ch0, Chars...> s,
  Transition<Ch, Next>,
  -> TrieNode<
      decltype(trieAdd<Index, string_t<Chars...>>(Next()))>,
{ return {}; }

template <unsigned int Index,
          unsigned char Ch0, unsigned char... Chars,
          typename... Prefix,
          int Ch, typename Next,
          typename... Transitions,
          typename =Sfinae<(Ch<Ch0)>>
constexpr auto insertSorted(nil,
  string_t<Ch0, Chars...> s,
  Transition<Ch, Next>,
  -> decltype(insertSorted<Index>(nil(), s,
    TrieNode<Prefix..., Transition<Ch, Next>>(),
{ return {}; }

Additional features

template <typename TrieNode, typename FnE, typename... Fns>
constexpr auto checkTrie(TrieNode trie, stringview str,
                         FnE&& fne,Fns&&... fns)
  -> decltype(fne())
  return detail::checkTrie(trie, str,
                           (FnE&&)fne, (Fns&&)fns...);

// Strings must be string_t
template <typename... Strings>
constexpr auto CtTrie::makeTrie(Strings... strs)
  -> decltype(detail::makeTrie<0>(detail::nil(), strs...))
{ return {}; }

// ---

auto trie=CtTrie::makeTrie(

// CtTrie::checkTrie(trie, "ab", [&]{...}, [&]{...}, ...);

#include "cttrie-print.h"
CtTrie::printTrie(trie); // or: decltype(trie)() ...

Application: XML

  for (node=node->children; node; node=node->next) {
    if (node->type != XML_ELEMENT_NODE) {
    TRIE((const char *)node->name)
      fprintf(stderr, "Warning: unknown ltconfig/text element: %s\n", (const char *)node->name);

      ensure_onlyattr(node, "!rel at");
      unique_xmlFree rel(xmlGetProp(node, (const xmlChar *)"rel"));
      txt.in.rel_loop =
        TRIE((const char *)rel)
          throw UsrError("Unknown text/in/@rel value: %s\n", (const char *)rel);
          return bool(); // needed for return type deduction
        CASE("in") return false;
        CASE("loop") return true;
      txt.in.at = get_attr_int(node, "at", 0);
      parse_fade_only(node, txt.in.fade_duration);

      ensure_onlyattr(node, "at");
      txt.out.at = get_attr_int(node, "at", 0);
      parse_fade_only(node, txt.out.fade_duration);

Extensions to cttrie

  • Partial/substring matching
  • Case insensitive
  • Suffix-at-once

Other approaches
